Black Girls Empowerment STEM Club

Appropriate for grades 4–6.
Hosted at Audley Branch.
Advanced registration required; registration is for all three sessions.

This initiative is designed to spark interest in STEM among young Black girls through hands-on activities and mentorship from Black female STEM students. The club seeks to break down barriers and stereotypes, fostering confidence, a sense of belonging, and the aspiration to pursue STEM careers.

Presented in partnership with the Congress of Black Women of Canada Ajax/Pickering Chapter.

Digital Roots Ajax: Memory Quilts

Appropriate for adults and seniors.
Hosted at the Makerspace @ McLean Branch.

Join the Archives Services Librarian at this new program that combines the Makerspace and Ajax Archives! Learn about the rich tradition of making memory quilts, see real historical examples from the Ajax Archives, and get hands-on experience with basic elements of quilting. Materials will be provided to make a patchwork block.

Teen Innovation Lab

Appropriate for teens.
Hosted at the Makerspace @ McLean Branch.

Want to learn something new, like how to sew? Drop in to gain new skills and make something to take home!

Hey teens! Tired of your phone case? Grab a friend and stop by the Makerspace to find out how easy it is to make your own super creative duct tape case!

Are you interested in learning how to sew? Need help with a project? Get help from other teens or talk to our sewing expert to get started!

Makers and Mentors

Intended for adults and seniors.
Hosted at the Makerspace @ McLean Branch.

Are you an older adult who wants to learn a new skill in a social environment? Drop by to share a laugh and learn to make something fun!

  • April: 3D Doodling
  • May: Sewing
  • June: Cross Stitching

National Canadian Film Day Sneak Peek: The Grizzlies

Intended for adults and seniors.
Hosted at Main Branch.

National Canadian Film Day (April 16) is a massive, one-day, coast-to-coast-to-coast celebration of Canadian cinema. Gather with your family and friends to binge-watch some of the best films Canada has to offer. Looking for suggestions on what to watch? Check out our All You Can Watch Buffet of Canadian Film available through the Ajax Public Library.