Mondays, April 14, May 12, June 9; 6-8:30 p.m.
Tweens & Teens

Appropriate for teens.
Hosted at the Makerspace @ McLean Branch.

Want to learn something new, like how to sew? Drop in to gain new skills and make something to take home!

Hey teens! Tired of your phone case? Grab a friend and stop by the Makerspace to find out how easy it is to make your own super creative duct tape case!

Are you interested in learning how to sew? Need help with a project? Get help from other teens or talk to our sewing expert to get started!

Ever wonder how easy it is to make your own custom keychain or earrings? Grab a friend and stop by to design your own, shrink it, then show it off!

Makerspace @ McLean