The Library will occasionally seek volunteers interested in participating in any of the below committees. Information for ongoing recruitment to advisory committees, and how to apply, is available on our Jobs & Volunteers page

Older Adults Advisory Committee (OAAC)

The mandate of the Older Adults Advisory Committee (OAAC) is to provide recommendations and advice on Library service matters which have a direct impact on the Library's older adult customers. The OAAC is made up of a maximum of nine (9) members including a Chair, Vice Chair, and Library staff member. The committee members serve a two-year term at the end of which active recruitment takes place for new members. 

The Committee is responsible for:

  • providing a forum for the exchange of information on the needs of older adults, options and initiatives, and to advise of potential opportunities;
  • developing strategies to identify and overcome barriers to Library use for older adults;
  • meeting with representatives of older adults from diverse backgrounds to discuss ways that the Library can meet the needs of all older adults.

In 2023, the Older Adults Advisory Committee created the Caregiver Survival Guide as part of the Town of Ajax's Age Friendly Initiative. 

Teen Advisory Committee (TAC)

The Teen Advisory Committee (TAC) is a Library sponsored group of volunteer teens from all Ajax high schools who meet weekly in the Library during the school year. TAC consists of a President, Vice President, and Secretary, Members, and a Library Facilitator. Members elected into one of the three executive positions may serve for one or two years. After two years, they must be re-elected to remain on the executive.

The mandate of TAC is to:

  • advise the Library on the provision of services to young adults;
  • make suggestions about our young adult collections;
  • engage in projects of interest to young adults of its own choosing;
  • represent the interests of the Library to their own schools;
  • promote literacy among young adults in Ajax;
  • be a platform where teens can engage the community and meet other young people in a safe and welcoming environment;
  • provide a useful source of volunteers as required by the Library on special occasions.