eBooks, Comics, and Graphic Novels

Libby app Libby by OverDrive(link is external)
Access thousands of eBooks and comics for all reading levels on the Libby app by OverDrive. Find popular picks, themed favourites, and participate in "Big Reads" with instant access and author events. Borrow up to 20 titles at a time. 

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Hoopla iconhoopla(link is external)
Download or stream books, comics, and graphic novels for all age ranges and interests. Try hoopla's frame-by-frame graphic novel reader! Borrow up to 10 titles per month.

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LOTE4Kids logoLOTE4Kids
LOTE4Kids is a library eResource that allows kids to learn a language and connect with books through the magic of storytelling. You can choose from thousands of audio-picture books in 70+ languages, together with English translations.

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Freading iconFreading
Download free eBooks on a wide range of genres, including editor pick's and popular authors. 

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Tumblebook iconTumblebook Library
Children's picture books and chapter books, many with animations and read along features. Find related puzzles and games to deepen the love of reading. 

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 Downloadable Audiobooks

Libby app Libby by OverDrive(link is external)
Thousands of audiobooks for all ages. Find popular picks, themed favourites, and participate in "Big Reads" with instant access and author events. Borrow up to 20 titles at a time. 

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Hoopla iconhoopla(link is external)
Download or stream audiobooks on a variety of topics, free with your Library card. Borrow up to 10 titles per month.

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Tumblebook iconTumblebook Library
Enjoy animated, talking picture books that help develop a love of reading and build vocabulary through narration, animation, and music. Chapter book read alongs, graphic novels/comics, and non-fiction titles are also available. 

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 Digital Newspapers and Magazines

Flipster icon.Flipster
Access current, popular digital magazines on a wide variety of topics. Over 60 magazines are available, including back issues for many of the titles. 

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PressReader icon.PressReader
Interactive, digital access to nearly 7,000 of the world's best newspapers and magazines. Users can read everything from local news stories to pop culture magazines to industry reports and national opinion pieces. Available in 60+ languages. 

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 Movies and TV Shows

CBC Corner icon.CBC Corner
This one-of-a-kind portal offers unique Canadian and local content including news, TV and radio shows, podcasts, kids content, a language learning app, and more! Explore in English or French(link is external) languages. 

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Hoopla iconhoopla(link is external)
Download or stream movies and TV shows for free with your Library card. Borrow up to 10 titles per month. 

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Kanopy iconKanopy
Access thousands of feature films, documentaries, and bingeable series. Each month, you receive 45 tickets to use to watch films and series. 

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Hoopla iconhoopla(link is external)
Download or stream music for free with your Library card. Borrow up to 10 titles per month. 

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For more information on Library borrowing limits, visit our Borrowing FAQ page to see how many items you can borrow from various collections or platforms, both physical and digital!